DinosaursClip Studio Paint, 3x2 aspect ratio, 2021
Given my mild (joking) interest in dinosaurs and prehistoric life, dinosaur toys seemed to fit very well with this task. I used three of my childhood dinosaur figures (or toys, we can probably just call them toys), to set the scene of the illustration to evoke that classic pre-70s dinosaur aesthetic. With the addition of substituting the "o" in Strong with the tyrannosaur's head, I felt it made for a compelling illustrative advertisement. |
GameBoyClip Studio Paint, 3x2 aspect ratio, 2021
As an integral part of the childhood of many of my contemporaries (myself not included until a little bit later in my own life), it felt right to include a member of Nintendo's Game Boy family in this assignment. In particular, I included various games from my own collection that are in turn popular in their own right. Representatives include the Pokemon, Zelda, Super Mario, and Kirby franchises, plus my own Game Boy Color and accompanying plug-in light. |
Star WarsClip Studio Paint, 11x24 aspect ratio, 2021
Of course, one cannot have a series of toy illustrations without considering Legos. Additionally, No one can deny the impact the Star Wars franchise had on the toy market. As such, I happen to posses a few of each, including plenty of Lego Star Wars sets. Naturally, it felt right to use them in this illustration series. |