My name is Daniel Swain and I am an artist currently based in southern Delaware. I enjoy working in a variety of mediums, including ceramics, digital media, oil, and acrylic paints. I also have experience with charcoal, soft pastels, and design.
I enjoy drawing plants and fantasy maps in addition to still-lifes and scenery. As for ceramics, I specialize in wheel-thrown planters and similar vessels. --- If you have any questions, you can reach me on my Contact page or at my business email: [email protected] Redbubble: Swainathan TikTok: Swainathan |
Artist Statement |
Resume |
I am fascinated by the natural world and its long history. From the smallest shell to the largest whale, the organisms of this Earth fill me with an ever-present sense of wonder and curiosity. My parents fostered this fascination that evolved from dinosaur picture books into a passion for learning all there is about life on our planet and a desire to share as much of that as I can.
It is no surprise then, that much of my artwork revolves around depictions of the very creatures that make their homes along Delaware’s coast. From the iconic horseshoe crab to the less-appreciated terns and plovers, I aim to depict these animals (and plants, as well) and help teach the layperson more about them and the world they exist within. I enjoy utilizing a variety of media for my work; I have dabbled in screen printing, metalworking, videography, and various types of paint. In recent years, specifically, I have focused on digital illustration and ceramics. I find that either medium is incredibly plastic and adaptable to each artist’s style and preferences and, as a result, provides infinite vehicles of expression. Of those vehicles, I am particularly fond of functional vessels. I have found that mugs, for example, are a great way to engage people in discussions about seemingly mundane topics like their favorite animals or what sort of drinks they enjoy. The mug may have a horseshoe crab on the side and they’ll notice the silly creature they’ve seen on social media, which can easily turn into a discussion surrounding what they are, what they do, and why they’re so special. These are connections that bring me closer to my goal; sharing my interest in the natural world and encouraging that same excitement in others. |